i bought this book along with by the river piedra i sat down and wept way back in college. it’s been in my bookshelf since then and i only got the urge to read it last week.

this inspirational story is all about a boy’s journey to follow his dream. it’s about overcoming personal obstacles, finding strength in God and finally achieving his Personal Legend. he meets some strange characters along the way that help him learn important truths and continue on his journey.

oh, and he falls in love somewhere in between too. and for some reason, this is where i related to the book. haha! he, of course, has to leave her while he’s still hasn’t found his treasure and she promises to wait for him…

From that day on, it was the desert that would be important. She would look to it every day, and would try to guess which star the boy was following in search of his treasure. She would have to send her kisses on the wind, hoping that the wind would touch the boy’s face, and would tell him that she was alive. That she was waiting for him, a woman waiting a courageous man in search of his treasure. From that day on, the desert would represent only one thing to her: the hope for his return.

as the boy keeps thinking whether it was right or wrong to leave the love of his life behind (in the meantime), the alchemist tells him…

“If what one finds is made of pure matter, it will never spoil. And one can always come back. If what you had found was only a moment of light, like the explosion of a star, you would find nothing on your return.”

but my favorite line of the entire book is this… “So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” it should feel that way, shouldn’t it?

right now, i feel as though i am the desert woman, waiting for the return of a boy in search of his treasure. i only hope that what was there was pure matter and not just a moment of light.