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last september 26-29, 14 of my friends and i spent the weekend touring my hometown Davao City. it’s my hometown but i was just as much a tourist as my friends. Davao City has always been my haven from my hectic Manila life so i normally spend my days there at home, reading or sleeping. just goes to show how much you can take your hometown for granted. 😉

since we were only spending 4 days and 3 nights in Davao City, we made made most of our time. we were able to cram a beach trip, white water rafting, an ultimate pickup with a local team Badgoyz, pasalubong and suha shopping, and enjoying the local nightlife. so here’s a photo semi-diary of what we did there.

Sept 26: Arrival at Davao, Isla Reta, Pasalubong Shopping at Aldevinco, Dinner at my parent’s house, Drinks at Bakbak

our flight to Davao was at 4am so none of us had much sleep the night before. however, since we didn’t want to waste our time in Davao, we left our bags at my grandfather’s house where we stayed then went to the dock with the boat that would take us to Isla Reta. we met with some bad luck because the boat we rode took it’s sweet time to fill up all the seats. i think it took us 2.5 hours from the time we got to the dock to the beach. we made good use of that time in the boat by sleeping. hahaha! after our brief beach sojourn, we went to aldevinco to buy some sarongs and native stuff then we proceeded home to freshen up before heading to my parent’s house for dinner. my dad couldn’t resist and gave them a 30-minute sermon on predestination. i really was hoping he wouldn’t do that but my friends were all respectful and (half) listened to him while he was speaking. after dinner, we headed to Bakbak to have some below zero beer to cap off the night.

Sept 27: White Water Rafting, Dinner at Food Galore, Ultimate Party at Fahrenheit, Drinks at Bakbak

this was the highlight of our entire trip… the white water rafting!!! we were all excited and scared at the same time but we got through it! check out the video for some of our white water rafting action videos. it was super fun!!! a part of me wants to take up rowing as a sport now. problem is i doubt that i’ll ever wake up in time for the training. hahaha! credit to jb and claire for making the video. =)

we headed home to freshen up for dinner at Food Galore then an ultimate fund-raiser party at Fahrenheit.

Sept 28: Breakfast at Mcdo, Eden Nature Resort, Pickup with Badgoyz, Dinner at Flyover Ihawan (not so sure about the name), Drinks at Francis’ House, More drinks at my house

according to our itinerary, we were supposed to go to Camp Sabros in Mt. Apo to try out the 2-minute zipline but we were all too tired from the previous two days’ activities that we opted to have breakfast at Mcdo instead. hahaha! well, in our defense, it would’ve been a two-hour drive to Camp Sabros and a two-hour drive back and none of us was up for another long jeepney ride. after lunch at the house, we headed over to Eden Nature Resort for some nature tripping. we also managed to squeeze a pickup game with Badgoyz. after dinner we went to Francis’ house for drinks. then we had more drinks at my house after.

i jump like a girl. hahaha!!!

Sept 29: Back to Manila

we headed back home to manlia at 12nn on monday loaded with scrapes from our rafting adventure, kilos and kilos of suha as pasalubong, and tons of fun memories. out of town trips with friends are really so much fun!!! i’m already looking forward to the next one. 😉

yeah i know, i know, this is a mid-week update already. well, i’ve been too busy and lazy to update last week properly. let me now recount the whirlwind this past few days have been for me…

friday, 2008.08.15: pre-finals day preparation

after work, joy, rissa and i went shopping in glorietta for last minute stuff we needed for the league-end party. pia and i spent the night at joy and connie’s new condo. we stayed up till 2am watching episodes of how i met your mother on pia’s laptop.

saturday, 2008.08.16: monsoon league finals day

the day of firsts…

the first time i wore soccer shorts…

eww… it really just isn’t me but since it’s part of the uniform, i’ll be wearing it from now on. 😦

the first time it rained so hard mid-day that most of the games were cancelled…

except for the top 4 seeds which we were part of. we played SP01 first and… 

the first time Chowking TODA beat SP01…

which lead to…

wanna know what happens next?

i’m currently obsessed with…

... victoria's secret lingerie (i really want to buy some and have them shipped here)
... tumblr-ing
... hula-hooping
... learning my old piano pieces again
... expensive stuff i can't afford
... still being kissed ala north & south

That’s the closest to my idea of love: watching the skyline, making out, making mistakes, making believe desire means it’s with somebody else, then breaking up, and, if we’re lucky, forgiveness that comes right before take-off. There, I’ve said it. What more can one want? A lover who loves me as much as the rain. Rain, and, from the opening credits to the closing heart, Gershwin.
~ The Muse This Time by R Zamora Linmark

i love;
...ultimate frisbee;
...the melancholic sound of the cello;
...playing the piano;
...Frederic Chopin, John Williams and Michael Legrand;
...the rain;
...walking in the rain;
...hanging out with my friends;
...being a girly-girl;
...wearing dresses; naturally wavy hair;
...the sound of waves crashing in the shore; and pasta;
...raisin bread;
...Cyrano de Bergarac;;
...Artic Vodka Melon;
...Jose Cuervo Tequila; lomo cameras;
...taking pictures;
...chick flicks that make you believe that finding your one true love is not so impossible; and
...heartwrenchingly beautiful songs that say otherwise

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